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Sherman Garnett & Associates provides a wide selection of courses and seminars. We create an environment
that is conducive and effective in educating those that educate. We encourage you to
visit this page daily to always be informed about the latest news and events.

Order Form: 2024 Guidelines on Discipline, Due Process, Suspension & Expulsion - Available with Flashdrive for Electronic Version
This informative book establishing the foundation for discipline situations, and gives an overview of expulsion/due process procedures. It also dives deep into expulsion hearing procedures, special considerations, expulsion appeal procedures, and re-enrollment procedures. Lastly, it gives a summary of expulsion laws, stipulated expulsion, and examples of many different forms you will need in the field.
2024- July Expulsion Handbook Order Form[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [29.8 KB]
Legislative Update - October 2022
Listed is a brief synopsis of current legislation that has been introduced in the state
Assembly and Senate. Please note that each bill listed has received legislative approval out of
both the state Senate and Assembly by the legislative deadline to continue the legislative process and have been approved by governor. For a full description of each bill, you may access this information at: or
Legislative Update Alert - Final October[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [155.1 KB]
2022 Guidelines on Student Records Handbook Order Form
Book content includes: General Provisions, Maintenance and Security, Access to Records, Challenging and Withholding, Transfer of Records, Destruction of Records Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
2022 STUDENT RECORDS Order Form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [48.9 KB]
Sexual Harassment; BP/AR 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures SAMPLE
Please feel free to download and post your branded version of the BP/AR 5145.7-Sexual Harassment banner that needs to be posted in restrooms and locker rooms starting the 20/21 school year.
WCCUSD_Sample_AB_543 Notice of [...]
Microsoft Word document [34.0 KB]
Legislative Update - October 2019
A brief synopsis of current legislation that has been introduced and with minor or no opposition.
Legislative Update Alert - October 2019.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [128.2 KB]
California Foster Youth Education Law Fact Sheet
This Seventh Edition publication discusses the educational rights and school stability California standards, early care and education, school discipline special education and much more.
CFYETF Fact sheets v7 - June 2019 Final.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [2.5 MB]
County Perspective on Chronic Absenteeism
Rouhtly one in 10 California students were chronically absent—defined as missing 10 percent or more of school for any reason in an academic year—in the 2016-17 school year, according to the California Department of Education.
County Boards Work to Reduce Chronic Abs[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [668.2 KB]
California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System
Revised Guidance for When to Disenroll Truants
CALPADS Update FLASH 131.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [91.6 KB]
California Law Related to Sick Time for Employee
AB 1522 regards California Law Related to Sick Time for Employees
CA Sick Time Law.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [8.5 KB]
A Parent's Guide to Head Lice - English
Adobe Acrobat document [1.9 MB]
Una Guia Para Padres De Familia Sobre Los Piojos De Cabeza
PDF File [2.1 MB]

What schools and parents need to know about the new vaccination law
EdSource | Jane Meredith Adams

Vaccine Bill Becomes Law

Good Day to All:
If you have not been informed, SB 277 ( school age vaccinations) has become law. The governor signed the bill this week which
Provisions of the law are as follows:
1. Students who are currently under an exemption MUST adhere to the new law as of
July 1,2016.
2. Exemptions are as follows:
    A. Students with a medical exemption signed by a physician.
    B. Students enrolled in independent study.
    C. Students who are being home-schooled.
CASCWA INTERCOM September 2014.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [984.4 KB]

Download and read the newly published article on Sherman Garnett in the California Association of Supervisors of Child Welfare and Attendance newsletter. 

Interested in participating in one of our seminars?
If you have additional questions or would like to register for a training, please contact us by completing our contact information form, or by calling 909.223.5561 

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